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Electric Rescue System (ERS)

Rescue system based on an 18 Kw BLCD electric motor (Nt power)
Power (5-8 sec) Can deliver 25 Kw
It weighs 4.9 kg
Controller: MGM COMPRO - BlCD controller with software developed for our company
Power supply 12V
Battery Li Po, 5.1 Kg
Operating voltage 120 V
The total weight of the system is 12 Kg

In the event of an engine failure, the autorotation will cause a significant drop, in many cases the impeller will lose its ideal speed, causing the pilot to be unable to reach the proper landing position, with the result that emergency landing will result in damage to the machine in the vast majority of cases.

Thanks to new technologies, we have installed a completely battery-independent rescue system (ERS) that provides more than 25KW of extra power in the swingarm drive mechanism.

With this solution, extra power is available for take-offs and landings, landings in extreme weather conditions and emergency landings due to engine stalling. With the help of the system, even less experienced pilots can fly more safely.

The system is currently being tested, and the results so far are as high as expected.

Concrete result: the helicopter's descent during autorotation is 4m / sec, it can fly horizontally near the ground for a short time (300 meters)